Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Sunday, 17 July 2022. Aboard Purr

No cook Sunday? Yes, even in Montague.  This photo may look like it was taken inside a bar but it is actually a book store.  The two guys who own it are from ... wait for it ... Texas.  One of them even went to junior high very near where I went to junior high .  Yes, this was long before we called them middle schools.    Anyway, we stopped by for a delicious quinoa breakfast bowl and quiche and an adult beverage,  This may be my new favorite spot in Montague.  


Roger, the previous owner, stops by periodically to answer our many questions.  Hes probably getting tired of us but he doesnt show it at all.  His health is recarious.  I do hope he gets to go out with us a time or two.   

No that isn't justin up there. 
He was working as ground crew.
Justin helped replace the jib halyard on the boat of one of our new neighbors. That was about his only break yesterday. 

He’s scraping and sanding the ceiling (does that have a special boat name?). We bought GooGone by the gallon.  We are almost ready to paint. One coat of Kilz then two coats of exterior white — this will be SO much better. I pulled down mirrors and more of the turquoise carpet yesterday.   Justin is busting his butt but it is so, so rewarding.


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