Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday, 19 August 2022: Whitehall, MI

I didn't do a dang thing all day.  It was glorious!  

Earlier in the week we went to Elmira to look at a boat for Stephen… Justin?

We checked out Arcadia and Manistee as possible landing spots when we actually do decided we are ready for an overnighter or three.  

Justin ordered my bicycle.  It will be sent to Gloria's and perhaps it will be waiting for me when we return!  

Packers vs Saints -- 20-10  A win is a win even in pre-season.  

Monday, 15 August 2022: White Beach Marina

Today is my birthday!!!

Justin suggested we go to Gary’s, my favorite breakfast spot in Montague. Instead, we opted for fresh Michigan peaches, homemade birdseed bread, hard boiled eggs on the boat followed by Justin’s famous Bloody Mary’s.  After that, who cares!  The day was off to a great start.  

Sunday, 14 August 2022: White Lake Michigan

This trip to the boat will be Vacation!  Of course we will get work done as well, but lets have some fun!  

First step -- take the boat out and get a pump out.  Now, how sexy is that?  We had a delightful time putzing around the lake for the next few days as we made it our own.  
Went to Jimmy’s Pub for dinner and the first packer pre-season game.

Sunday found us at dinner at the Old Channel Inn.  Some of the locals at our marina don't care for this spot but we quite like it.  We st at the bar and chatted with one of the owners who was filling in as bartender.  They are still having trouble finding staff after Covid.  Meanwhile, we got excellent service and great food.  

Sunday, 7 August 2023; Northern Wisconsin

I voted today -- In Wisconsin!

Evan Zilmer hosts a class reunion each year.  He always invites Justin and encourages him to attend.  Justin felt this was the year.  We combined the visit to Robin and Evan's house for the reunion with a trip to see Tom and Joan.  


One of the delights of our trip to Manitowish Waters was to ride e-bikes.  I want one!
Joan is a great cook so after breakfasts that included French toast and walk-away sandwiches, lunch of pulled pork sandwiches and homemade potato salad and a dinner of jambalaya, we were on our way to Purr.  

Tuesday, 2 August 2022: Green Bay

Dave and Susan Hemmer had been to visit friends in Sister Bay.  We had looked forward to them stopping to stop and see us on their way north and on their return south but my Covid derailed our plans.  That meant we needed to smash all our fun and visiting into a few short days.  We met them at Renard’s cheese shop in Sturgeon Bay.  We took a swing by our old house and then new property.  I tried to take out a turkey while driving down Nicolet Drive — Dave found feathers in the bumper later.  Susan and Justin headed home, but Dave was game for taking in all the sights in Green Bay so we headed to Bay Beach for the roller coaster Zippin Pippin and then bumper cars.  I probably haven’t done bumper cars since high school!  Too much fun!

Back at our house, we all took time to get settled and then time to catch up.

Squash and mushroom risotto for dinner followed by Dominoes... and wine.

Day two with the Hemmers started with brunch on the deck -- Zucchini all the time.  Zucchini bread for breakfast then off to Packer practice. After their tour of Lambeau field, Justin led the ten cent tour of Green Bay.  

Afternoon drinking and cold boiled shrimp for afternoon snacks before dinner at Chives

Gemma and Tinker ran and played and then ran and played some more.  Then it was time for a nap.  


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Saturday, 30 July 2022: the Harbor in Green Bay


I went out in the Cruisers for the first time yesterday!  Justin had been out with Mark a couple of times when they were conducting sea trials — I passed on those trips.  We’ve stored the boat at The Boat Yard in “Rack n roll storage.”  We call and tell them when we will be there, they drop her in the water.  
Upon return, the kids greeted us to help dock, toted our stuff to a nearby picnic table and then into the car when I drive it around. $20 tip later, we are driving off while they are scrubbing the sides and bottom on its way back to inside storage.

Saturday, 23 July 2022: Green Bay

After 14 nights on board we headed back to Green Bay. We will be back soon. We quite like Montague and the marina setting. Although we didn’t get the boat out yet, we’ve made tremendous progress on the interior.  The entire salon has been stripped of headliner, the gray fuzzy stuff around the windows is gone too.  Now, bright, clean white paint adorns our ceilings.  We’ve still got some adhesive to remove but things are so, much better.  Justin has made headway into making contacts with a guy to do some cabinet/ table work for us.  He pulled up some of the carpet and what was underneath will be just fine for a bit (Roger, the previous owner, had put a top layer of carpet as protection while he did some work on the fuel tanks.  Well, protect it did!).   We will be back in a couple of weeks and on that trip we will focus on the systems of the boat and on getting her out to sail.  
Meanwhile, Justin still shows no symptoms and I just have no energy.  We've pushed back our plan to have Dave and Susan Hemmer visit -- dang it.  

What happens when you are away for two weeks?  The squash takes over.  This was our bounty.  Looks like I better get cooking... tomorrow.  

Tuesday, 19 July 2022: Aboard Purr

Covid?  Again?  Me?  Yes
Justin insisted I go to urgent care.  I thought it was sinus and I didn’t want to push back so I just went. Damn if I didn’t test positive.
Susan and Dave are supposed to come visit next week. We will be ok if Justin doesn’t get sick too. What are the odds?

So if we think about staying on board at a hotel rate of $150/night. …   How long will it be before the boat has paid for itself… even if we never sail.  

Sunday, 17 July 2022. Aboard Purr

No cook Sunday? Yes, even in Montague.  This photo may look like it was taken inside a bar but it is actually a book store.  The two guys who own it are from ... wait for it ... Texas.  One of them even went to junior high very near where I went to junior high .  Yes, this was long before we called them middle schools.    Anyway, we stopped by for a delicious quinoa breakfast bowl and quiche and an adult beverage,  This may be my new favorite spot in Montague.  


Roger, the previous owner, stops by periodically to answer our many questions.  Hes probably getting tired of us but he doesnt show it at all.  His health is recarious.  I do hope he gets to go out with us a time or two.   

No that isn't justin up there. 
He was working as ground crew.
Justin helped replace the jib halyard on the boat of one of our new neighbors. That was about his only break yesterday. 

He’s scraping and sanding the ceiling (does that have a special boat name?). We bought GooGone by the gallon.  We are almost ready to paint. One coat of Kilz then two coats of exterior white — this will be SO much better. I pulled down mirrors and more of the turquoise carpet yesterday.   Justin is busting his butt but it is so, so rewarding.


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Sunday, 10 July 2022: Purr

Our first morning on the boat!  So beautiful and so peaceful!
Unfortunately neither of us slept well. Justin kept loosing his pillow and my knee was giving me fits. We had coffee out on the deck before diving in a bit.
Took down almost all the headliner. We are committed… or we should be committed!  
It was a pleasant day. Beautiful weather and lots of activity in the marina. We met Joel on our previous trip and today got to meet his wife Annie, they have an aluminum house boat two slips down. We met Claude, just next door in the port side. He and his son fish for salmon; he’s rather colorful. And on the starboard side, we met Mark. Mark says he’s the president of the marina; Claude says he’s the self-appointed president. It will be interesting to see how it rolls out. For now, I’m pleased to have access to the shower and washer/dryer.