Saturday, March 27, 2021

Wednesday 10 March 2021: Milwaukee

Today was Lilly’s birthday.  We drove to Milwaukee to spend some quality time with Erich and his kids.  There was talk of Jonas and Caleb going too but in the end, it ended up being all about Lily.  And, that was best.  After a nice long visit with the boys, Justin and I took Lilly on an outing Daddy Yo’s for frozen yogurt and then to Old Navy for a quick birthday shopping spree.

Lilly had requested pheasant for her birthday meal and Erich invited us to join.  I don't think I'd ever eaten pheasant before so that was a treat but the real treat was simply eating out.  This was the first time we’ve eaten off someone else’s dishes in almost a year.  It was perfect that we could celebrate with Erich and the kids!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Monday, 1 March 2021: Hartung

the first of March... 

We've had an incredibly mild winter for Wisconsin and while it may seem like it is almost spring outside today, I would imagine that there is still some snow in our future.  No, I am not putting away the snow shovels yet.  

And, OMG, they needed those shovels in Texas!  Texas had the most brutal winter storm they've seen in 70 years.  The power grid totally shut down; grocery stores were emptied.  People are still without water in too many cases and the food supply chain will take weeks to recover.  They didn't get above freezing for five or six days.  No, its nothing compared to other parts of the world.  The difference is that the good folks in Texas simply do not have the infrastructure to deal with Mother Nature.  And, yes, all this on top of the pandemic.  

Meanwhile, back on the homefront, Lloyd and Gloria's kids and grandkids came to play on the river last weekend.  They launched their snowmobiles and related toys at the end of the block and then they were out there for hours.  Lloyd said they hadn't done that in 30 years!  Sure looked like they had a grand time.  Me? I was happy to watch from my front row seat at the kitchen window.  

I'm venturing out with bread making.  I've mastered bird seed bread and now I've purchased some wheat berries so that will be next.  That was quite the research project ... red or white?  Hard of soft?  Spring or winter?  So many choices with wheat.  I settled on RHS.  Meanwhile I tried a whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread and a braided whole wheat caraway bread.  Both were successful.  And, then I even tried a blue cheese swirl bread.  That was scrumptious, but that is to be expected when you start with Blue cheese from Renard's.  

Justin and I are trying to walk most afternoons.  We are still watching way too much tv and we are getting small chores done around the house.  Justin finished installing the lights above the kitchen countertops and he's now working on a new dog bed we got for Gemma.  He needs to fix the handle and then I'll make a cushion insert.  I finished painting the bottom of a filing cabinet and Justin finished going through the paperwork -- some of it back from when the kids were in grade school.    I finally finished painting above the stairs near the back door and above the sink around the new light fixture. 

I think we've decided not to go to Mexico until early next fall.  That plan may change at any time we hear from Peter or Abraham that we need to be there.  For now, we are planning a road trip for May.  More on that later as it develops but its fun to think about somethings getting back to closer to normal... starting with the weather!

Friday, 19 February 2021: sunset in Brussels

We went to look at granite for Hartung. I think Justin and I have finally agreed on a plan.  We will look forward to installation later in March.  

I just don't understand the vaccine alarmism.  So many people still think this is bogus.  They still fight wearing masks and no they are declining the vaccine.  Yes there are questions and concerns and yes the approval process was streamlined.  When I grow my third head you can tell me "I told you so" but for now, I got my first shot last Monday and I'll be ready for the second on 15 March!

Cold weather has simply crippled Texas.  This was a 70 year event and they just weren't prepared.  How much of this is a political issue?  Broken water lines may not be resolved for months.  Millions of people are still boiling water.  How much of this was preventable...was it lack of long term planning?

Ted Cruz jumped on a plane and headed to Cancun in the middle of the mayhem.  Trump was impeached and found not guilty for the second time.  sign read 2-0 -- Trump still the winner as no one else had ever been impeached twice.  

Thankfully we enjoyed a beautiful sunset in Brussels.  

Tuesday, 9 February 2021: waiting room at Bellin

Justin got his first shot today.  YEA!!!  When he was there he learned that Bellin has a sign up process for any shots they have left over at the end of the day.  You have to go first thing in the morning to sign up and then go back just before 5pm to see.  Of course, everyone 65 and over is on page one and I have to be on page two.  If there are any extra doses, all the page one people go before anyone on page two no matter what time they signed up.  But we will try.  Oh yes, we will try.  

After our shots we went on a shopping spree:  we both got new shoes and I got a new new purse.  I bought clock mechanisms for two blocks at Hobby lobby, and my romantic husband bought a box full of chocolates at Seroogy’s for an early Valentine’s celebration! 

The second impeachment trial started today.  I'll be so glad when this mess is over.  Sometimes when I hear myself I am reminded of Dellene's cousin Nelwyn.  I remember a hundred years ago going out to lunch with Nelwyn and she commented about how happy she'd be when ladies no longer wore tennis outfits out in public.  She felt that was oh, so casual.  If she could only see us now!  Is this what all the politics mess will be like.  Will it ever really go away?  goodness....

Sunday, 7 February 2021: Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday. First time I’ve been in the US for a Super Bowl since 1987.

Sarah Thomas is officiating.  There's been lots of attention on Joe Biden's nominations for this and that post what with the first woman, the first person of color, the first...  it is unfortunate that there are still so many "firsts" but, let's give it up for Sarah officiating for the NFL and in the Super Bowl!  Half-time was ok.  Can't say I even remember the performer.  Can't say I care too much about the teams playing.  And, no, the commercials weren't even that memorable.  However, we had homemade hamburgers and they were memorable, thankfully!

Sunday, 31 January 2021: in the backyard at Hartung

Justin’s birthday!  Justin got up in time to watch the Sunday morning news shows.  I stayed in bed for a while until I heard noises that sounded like someone nearby shoveling snow.  It sounded like it was very near but I knew Justin was inside.  Then I heard him talking to someone...who?  Jordan and Erich came over to shovel their dad's driveway!  What a great birthday present!  When they learned that he clears Lloyd and Gloria's driveway, they did that one too.  How cool was that!  

They came inside after and had babka and a nice long visit with their dad. 

Early in the afternoon, The boys came back with Kris and all the kids.  The kids were all bundled up in snow gear.  All six cousins just ran and ran.  They never tire out.  Ian joined in the driveway klatch.  Thankfully there was plenty of beer left over from yesterday.  

Saturday, 30 January 2021: outside by the river

Justin has a tradition of hosting a party on the last Saturday of January.  He insists that it is not a birthday party.  He’s gone back and forth quite a bit this year given the pandemic and all so, after much thought, this year it does look a bit different...totally scaled down.  He only invited a handful of people and set the time at something like from two to four this afternoon.  
Goodness knows we both know how to host a party.  You wouldn't have known it though.  Justin bought several cases of beer and we put them on the deck.  Yep.  That's it.  No snacks, no nothing.  Dave and Terry were the first to arrive  It was So, So nice to visit with them.  Charlie and Sam who used to live next door stopped by as did Sean and Anne Marie.  Of course Gloria popped over from next door.  We had chairs set up on the deck and a bonfire going at the river.  When I told Dellene what we were doing she commented that it was simply too cold to be outside.  I certainly have the pasty white skin on a Wisconsinite, maybe I have the blood too?