Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Wednesday, 24 June 2020: Hartung

Erich and the kids came to visit for three days.  In an effort to stay safe we turned the house over to them and we headed to Hartung.  We bought a new bed so we were all set to camp out there.  We met back here for daytime swimming and dinners and bonfires.  Justin broke out Cuban rum and cigars one evening.  Jordan and Erich took the boat out fishing a time or two and when the water was just too rough, they fished from the shore.  Caleb was thrilled to catch a few on his own; Jonas doesn't give two cents for the fishing thing.  It was great for all the cousins to have time together.  Justin and I were on duty at one point with all of them, so we headed to the playground at Chadoir's dock.  I'm quite sure I don't have what it takes to have the six of them for too long all by myself.  

Meanwhile, I've learned that Stephanie finally finished her 222 but she wont be travelling this summer.  Lorayne has officially retired!  She has one more pack out and she'll return to the states on 30 June.  Dave and Susan Hemmer retired last year and they might be coming to visit us soon.  Mary's granddaughter is coming to live with her dad for net school year so John and Mary will get to see Ariel much more often.  Dellene is in the middle of a road trip to go to south Texas to see her brother.   All of these are great things for the people I love.  

On another front, our president didn't know about Juneteenth.  States including Texas and Florida are trying to open up too early and the number of confirmed cases of Corona Virus are soaring.  Trump continues to insult with new names for the virus.  I am apprehensive about Joe Biden; I pray.   

And most distressing of all is that Kris has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She's waiting for the results of bilateral biopsies then she'll be able to make decisions.  They are looking at surgery early next week.  Kris is 37 years old with three small children.  I pray.  

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