Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday, 16 May 2020: The kitchen

Like many others during this strange time I too am making bread.  Today I took a walk down memory lane and made Beverley's 60-minute rolls. 
They are Parker house 
rolls and they were yummy!  I used about half whole wheat flour which Beverley never would have done.  I also made some cinnamon monkey bread ... just because.   "Take two and butter them while they are hot."

I started gathering kitchen supplies to take to set up the kitchen at Hartung.  Goodness knows we have enough dishes for two kitchens.  I don't think we will be lacking for much.  Another added bonus is that moving some stuff out gives me room to rearrange and perhaps make better use of the space here.  

Justin continues working in the yard.  We can't do so many things because we need to wait for Butch to come.  Will he mess up the entire yard again like last year.  Oh my goodness!  

 We finished our binge watching The Good Fight.  We are well on our way of meeting the challenge to finish watching Netflix!

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