Saturday, June 13, 2020

Friday, 15 May 2020: By the Bay

I had a doctor appointment earlier this week.  I did not want to go into the clinic.  I was happy to have them refill my meds without going in but they weren't willing to do that again as it had been well over 12 months.  So, I donned my mask and went to where sick people go.  They were very respectful and we were all very careful but I was reluctant for sure!

I also ventured to Goodwill this week.  They were finally open again for "contactless drop off".  That suited me just fine to get rid of some "stuff."   My errands are primarily limited to Menard's, Costco and Festival since they require masks.  And, just like Long's drug store in Honolulu, if you can't get it at Menard's, you don't need it.  

Rich and Erica finally closed on their house; they will clear out of our Hartung house by late next week.  They were excellent renters but the timing for us to get back into Hartung is really, really good.  Plus Justin is happy to be able to work in the gardens and not feel like he is an intruder.  

This evening we had a fire going.  Shaun called to say he and his son Colin were out for a drive and they'd stop by if we were home.  Sure... sounds great... sunset by the fire.  Just as Shaun pulled in the drive way, Jason stopped by too.  Justin had asked him to stop by to look at the shutters.  Within five minutes, Jordan pulled up on this scooter.  His family was at their cottage and while they had headed out for a walk, he headed to our house for a quick visit.  In these days of social distancing, everyone we know showed up at our house within the same ten minutes.  Shaun said it was awkward and he left very soon; Jason and Justin finished their consultation and Jordan needed to be home before sunset... and then it was just Justin and me... just like the day started.  

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