Saturday, June 13, 2020

Monday, 25 May 2020: Brussels

Memorial Day, 2020.  I wonder where we would have spent the weekend it we still lived in Europe?  Would we have gone back to a favorite haunt in Spain or in Italy or would we have headed somewhere new?  As it is, we were here in North East Wisconsin where is was 80'.  Somewhere over the weekend I exclaimed that it was "stinkin’ ass hot."  Justin was amused with my lingo.

Beaches re-opened across the nation. Many chose to practice social distancing but most seemed to carry on as if nothing has changed.  At a time when we usually honor military service and sacrifice, why has this become a red / blue divide.  Why cant we have patriotisms without politics?  Maybe it has been this way all along and I've just had my head in the sand.  What happened to science?  Too many people are acting as if this medical concern doesn't exist.  

And if my heart doesn’t hurt enough, Uncle Harold had a heart attack.  I've spoken with Charlsy a few times but I have so many questions.  Lots of prayers are going his way.

Jordan bought a pontoon boat.  The weather was finally warm enough for he and his family to enjoy a trip out on the water.  We waved from the shore.  

 Justin and I enjoyed a leek risotto for dinner.  This may be my new favorite comfort food!

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