Saturday, June 13, 2020

Sunday, 7 June 2020: Brussels

So, the property down the street has a rhubarb patch.  The folks who own the property don't come very often but the rhubarb grows.  We didn't have rhubarb when I was growing up so it is all new to me.  Earlier in the week when we were out for a walk, Justin popped off the seed heads so the fruit would continue to grow.  Today, we brought some home.    OK, we brought home 12 pounds!  

I broke off the leaves as Justin was picking it and we stuffed it all into a large paper bag.  At home, it the bottom of the sink I still had no idea how much we had so I started cleaning and chopping.  The recipe I favor calls for two pounds.  With freezer baggies and scale at the ready, I chopped and sorted and got five bags into the freezer and one into a mixing bowl and soon after, into the oven.  An hour later and the house smelled yummy!  Yes, I did go back to the house where I left a note explaining who I was and what I'd done.  I told the family to let me know when they were here and I'd drop by with a warm, bubbly Rhubarb Crumble made just for them.  

Thursday, 4 June 2020: Brussels

Back in Brussels, I found myself back in the kitchen.  Cinnamon Chicken for dinner but earlier in the day I made "bird Seed Bread."  Filled with all sorts of grains, this was a yummy treat. The dough hook on my Kitchen Aid mixer made light of the work.  Yummy!!!

The blooms on the split leaf peonies don't last long but they sure are pretty!

Wednesday, 3 June 2020: still in the garage

Three day time lapse -- before, during and after.  What a world of difference!  

Monday, 1 June 2020: the garage at Hartung

We’ve been spending long days at Hartung.  In just a week, the gardens are beginning to look spectacular.  Justin has planted a vegetable garden so we will have squash in the fall.  He’s also planted “kale-etts “ which will be a cross between kale and Brussels sprouts.  Of course there are tomatoes and a few other vegetables.  

We are painting the inside of the garage.  Two complete walls are covered with pegboard -- everyman's dream.  Now it will at least be a bit more bright and tidy.  This is nice but I can't wait to get to painting in the basement!

Jordan went back to work this week.  He had hoped his furlough would last more into the summer but no, more surgeries are planned and they need him.  Life goes on.  

Thursday. 28 May 2020: Brussels

Today was Jordan's birthday.  Jordan doesn't really like sweets and he doesn't care much for chocolate.  I've told him I think that is a character flaw but I love him anyway.  I'd found a recipe for a lemon blueberry ricotta pound cake so that was my contribution for his special day.  

The country tries to open.  They are even trying to open in Mexico we've heard.
The political mess has been commanding attention even through the pandemic but now our attention has turned to racial injustice.  George Floyd’s name may well be joining the ranks of Rosa Parks or Rodney King. We were already dismayed to learn of Arbry’s death and now Floyd had been killed by police in Minneapolis.  Riots have broken out all over the county.  

Not a day goes by that I am not truly grateful to be retired.  At the same time, part  of me is almost embarrassed when I think how little my life has been impacted with this pandemic.  Justin and I still do most of the things we typically do.  No, we doesn’t go out to eat or go to farmers market and I’m really ready for cheese curds and a Bloody Mary from the Dyckesville Bowl.  There once was a time when I said I didn’t care if I ever went to another fish fry but I am just about ready for some of April’s fried smelt or wall eye.  But we eat well, we certainly get the medical attention we need; we want for nothing.  I am truly grateful and most appreciative.  

Wednesday, 27 May 2020: On the road again? Only to Stevens Point

We've had a few, well, not really "firsts" in the last couple of days, but almost "firsts."  
After we met with Rich at Hartung so he could pick up tires and wheels and I continues with laundry (funny how pleased I am to be able to do that in my own washer and dryer!), and after a trip to Menard's, we had Thai for dinner.  There is a very small restaurant not far from our Hartung house.  We ordered take out and ate out on the deck overlooking the river  The Pad Thai was scrumptious!  This was the first time we’d eaten out for dinner since we had BBQ in Oklahoma when we were on the road back from Celestun.

Today, we were back on the road, albeit for only a couple of hours.  We went to Stevens Point to go to Jung Seed Store.  Justin had tried to order some items on line but then we decided we wanted to actually look at the stock.  Unfortunately, the only apricot tree they had was for zone four.  That's like South Carolina.  This was very disappointing.  

We stopped at a few antique/junk stores along the way.  At one store there were two black labs I so wanted to bring home.  They played with their golf ball bringing it back for you to throw again and again.  They were so very well behaved and there was no
slobber ball" at all.  Yes, Gemma was jealous.  

On the way home through Appleton we stopped at JDs.  Justin thinks their claim to fame is their turtle sundae,  yes it is good, even great.  But I’d tell you that they have the best burger in Wisconsin.  Probably just as well that it is more than an hour away!

Monday, 25 May 2020: Brussels

Memorial Day, 2020.  I wonder where we would have spent the weekend it we still lived in Europe?  Would we have gone back to a favorite haunt in Spain or in Italy or would we have headed somewhere new?  As it is, we were here in North East Wisconsin where is was 80'.  Somewhere over the weekend I exclaimed that it was "stinkin’ ass hot."  Justin was amused with my lingo.

Beaches re-opened across the nation. Many chose to practice social distancing but most seemed to carry on as if nothing has changed.  At a time when we usually honor military service and sacrifice, why has this become a red / blue divide.  Why cant we have patriotisms without politics?  Maybe it has been this way all along and I've just had my head in the sand.  What happened to science?  Too many people are acting as if this medical concern doesn't exist.  

And if my heart doesn’t hurt enough, Uncle Harold had a heart attack.  I've spoken with Charlsy a few times but I have so many questions.  Lots of prayers are going his way.

Jordan bought a pontoon boat.  The weather was finally warm enough for he and his family to enjoy a trip out on the water.  We waved from the shore.  

 Justin and I enjoyed a leek risotto for dinner.  This may be my new favorite comfort food!

Friday, 22 May 2020: Hartung

Rich and Erica are officially out of Hartung and we are in!

Gloria came over to “welcome us to the neighborhood."  She had a beer in hand for Justin.  She’d also mowed the front yard although that might have been more for Rich than for us.  I know she will miss them... but hey, now she has us!  

The yard needs TLC and Justin is just the person to take care of it.  He has so much on his plate though with this and with Brussels too.  Let's just hope his back holds out.  

I've never had a basement, (ok, we had a keller in Germany but that was more like another floor of the house).  This is really a basement and we have a washer and dryer!  We’ve never had that here in Wisconsin and especially this year with “staying safe at home” and knowing this would soon be available, I’ve pretty much avoided the laundromat so we do have quite the pile of dirty laundry.  

Saturday, 16 May 2020: The kitchen

Like many others during this strange time I too am making bread.  Today I took a walk down memory lane and made Beverley's 60-minute rolls. 
They are Parker house 
rolls and they were yummy!  I used about half whole wheat flour which Beverley never would have done.  I also made some cinnamon monkey bread ... just because.   "Take two and butter them while they are hot."

I started gathering kitchen supplies to take to set up the kitchen at Hartung.  Goodness knows we have enough dishes for two kitchens.  I don't think we will be lacking for much.  Another added bonus is that moving some stuff out gives me room to rearrange and perhaps make better use of the space here.  

Justin continues working in the yard.  We can't do so many things because we need to wait for Butch to come.  Will he mess up the entire yard again like last year.  Oh my goodness!  

 We finished our binge watching The Good Fight.  We are well on our way of meeting the challenge to finish watching Netflix!

Friday, 15 May 2020: By the Bay

I had a doctor appointment earlier this week.  I did not want to go into the clinic.  I was happy to have them refill my meds without going in but they weren't willing to do that again as it had been well over 12 months.  So, I donned my mask and went to where sick people go.  They were very respectful and we were all very careful but I was reluctant for sure!

I also ventured to Goodwill this week.  They were finally open again for "contactless drop off".  That suited me just fine to get rid of some "stuff."   My errands are primarily limited to Menard's, Costco and Festival since they require masks.  And, just like Long's drug store in Honolulu, if you can't get it at Menard's, you don't need it.  

Rich and Erica finally closed on their house; they will clear out of our Hartung house by late next week.  They were excellent renters but the timing for us to get back into Hartung is really, really good.  Plus Justin is happy to be able to work in the gardens and not feel like he is an intruder.  

This evening we had a fire going.  Shaun called to say he and his son Colin were out for a drive and they'd stop by if we were home.  Sure... sounds great... sunset by the fire.  Just as Shaun pulled in the drive way, Jason stopped by too.  Justin had asked him to stop by to look at the shutters.  Within five minutes, Jordan pulled up on this scooter.  His family was at their cottage and while they had headed out for a walk, he headed to our house for a quick visit.  In these days of social distancing, everyone we know showed up at our house within the same ten minutes.  Shaun said it was awkward and he left very soon; Jason and Justin finished their consultation and Jordan needed to be home before sunset... and then it was just Justin and me... just like the day started.  

Friday, June 5, 2020

Sunday, 10 May 2020: Brussels

Mother’s Day 
I don’t really miss crowds but I do miss just being out with people.
I miss live music.
I don’t think I’ve ever gone this long without eating out... ever
And, I don’t think I’ve ever gone this long without getting cash from the ATM.  When you aren’t spending cash, you don’t need to get more.

Jordan and Caleb came by this morning
 to bring me these lovely flowers for Mother's Day.
I am touched.

Friday, 8 May 2020: Green Bay

For the first time in a long, long time Justin and I got up and were on the road by 7:30am.  We headed to the house on Hartung to raid the gardens for plants for Erich.  Jordan was headed just south of Milwaukee to collect his new trailer for his pontoon boat.  Making a true road trip out of the day, he will stop by Erich’s house to have a quick visit with Erich and the kids while dropping off plants.  This plan meant Justin needed to get plants out of the ground and to Jordan before 9am.  Unlike so many earlier days, it is all ok to need to be up and out this early.  Justin and I planned our day to also run errands in town.  Thankfully, Costco and Menards are requiring masks and we needed to stop there.  I wanted to make a quick stop at Joann’s fabrics.  Erich’s kids don’t really have masks so I’ll make some more before we go there next week. 

 Rich and Erica are moving out of Hartung.  We have a lot of work to do at the house and in the gardens there.  Thankfully, it is a pleasure to work there!

Tuesday, 5 May 2020: North Bay Shore

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!  
I tried my hand at Mac Queso Fundido, a recipe I saw recently from the New York Times.  Delish!  And a perfect way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.  We also had chicken enchiladas but no margaritas.  I missed the boat on that one.

It is early May and the hastas are starting to emerge.  Daffodils are celebrating springtime too.  

Sunday, 3 May 2020: Brussels

Kris, Jordan and the kid came over to visit.  We all had on masks and we practiced social distancing.  This is SO, So weird.  

Monday, 4 May 2020: Still in our kitchen

 Tried my hand at No Knead Bread today.  Total success!!!  Yes, it really is "no knead".  it takes hours and hours, but I'll certainly do this again.

Abraham sent pictures of the painting that Ricardo just finished.  The end of the hallway looks fabulous!  

Wednesday, 29 April 2020: Our kitchen in Brussels

Kim is in California -- with her parents.  Brian is in Canada -- without Kim.  Kim and her dad are learning to cook.  So, what is my part?  My part was to offer a Master Class.  Today we did b bread together.  I joined the ranks of teachers everywhere by offered a virtual class.  With assistance of face-time, I made banana bread and offered advice and hints as Kim and her dad also made banana muffins.  Both creations turned out quite delicious.  What's next?  We will see.

Staying in a cooking mood, I made Greek for dinner.  We had tzatziki with pita, spanakopita and pasticcio.  Of course we had baklava for dessert.