Friday, May 1, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020: Living Room

We've been back a month now.  
We are in a routine to get groceries on Thursdays.  That started because that is the day they get deliveries at Marchant's and TP was such a high priority.  That's not such an issue any more but it seems to be a reliable pattern -- there's not many other indicators of what day it is.  And, it doesn't really matter.  

We had two days of 40-50 mph winds.  It seemed more like two weeks.  Last year, when we lost maybe 35 trees, we wanted to leave those trees on the beach to help prevent erosion.  Now, with the weather finally warming up, it is time to clean up some of the mess along with the debris that washed up on the shore during the winter and spring thaw.  

I made masks.
We visited with Jordan and his family at their cottage.  We all wore masks and practiced social distancing.  
We cook, read the news, work outside, watch tv.
We read about the NFL draft with interest.  Will we have a season?  We just finished watching Friday Night Lights.  That may be all the football we have for a while.   

Thankfully we like each other -- no bloodshed yet.
We have everything we need.  At a time when so much of what we came to know as "normal" is in flux, Justin and I are just fine.  We are indeed blessed.

Sunset and a fire -- what could be better!

Wednesday, 22 April 2020: Front yard

There was snow this morning when we woke up.  SNOW!!!

Today is the 50th Earth Day.  They say that with so many things shut down and with people driving so much less that it has had positive effect on the atmosphere.  At least one good thing is coming out of this.  

Thankfully it warmed up in the afternoon.  We worked outside a bit and had a fire after we had an asparagus quiche.  

We should be getting a new pump at Casa Colibri today.  Abraham had been without water from the main pump for about a week.  He still had access to running water from the secondary pump but it isn't as convenient for him.  It took Ivan a bit longer to get the replacement pump given that Celestun is "shut down", but it should all come through today.  

There have been protests lately against the shut-down.  The economy is in dire shape, yes.  But folks are worried about getting their hair done!!!  Georgia will begin to re-open.  We talked to Mimi today; I do worry about her.  

Saturday, 18 April 2020: Green Bay

Justin and I made a trip into Green Bay this week.  We went to Woodman's, Sam’s and Menards’s.  It was really our first trip out.  We wore masks and gloves; we followed our protocol.  It's rather strange, but we are good.  Best of it all -- we found TP!!!  I'd ordered some from Amazon so with that order and what we bought this week, we will be good for a while.  

My most recent cooking inspiration has been related to brownie mix.  This week I decided I didn't need to buy brownie mix.  Instead, I made my own.  Why haven't I been doing this for years?  I made five "mixes" -- chocolate chips and nuts are already added.  I add eggs and oil and the aroma of delicious, homemade brownies fills the house!

On the paperwork/financial side of the house, we cancelled Justin's Medicare part B. When we moved money around last year (from investments into property), we had a huge whammy on income taxes.  We got hit with a double whammy since the cost of Medicare Part B skyrocketed...and now we aren't eligible for stimulus money either if the go off 2018 taxes.  Good thing we've already submitted 2019 taxes...maybe ... just maybe.

Tuesday, 15 April 2020: Brussels

The waves are relentless.  It has been just blustery outside.  And cold!  The ice that formed last night was really spectacular.   

Justin and I had a big outing today when we went to Tony and Mo’s to pick up eggs.  First time we’d been in the car in almost a week.

We worked in the yard.  I got the rest of the rocks out of the boathouse.  The door is jammed but at least the rocks are out.

Justin’s working on projects inside when it is so bitter outside.  He completed the Kotetsu table project (turning it into a lamp), he rehung pictures and he polished shoes.  

Me?  I've been working on papers.  We finished our taxes -- that was huge!  Even though there is an extension this year, we got them finished on time.  

I found out that OPM never notified my health insurance that I had retired.  Hmmm.  I tink I got that sorted out so then I began chasing the fact that I still have leave on the books.  We will see where this rabbit hole leads us.

Justin took his turn in the kitchen and made some fabulous pork chops  with plum sauce for Easter dinner.  I made a Moroccan chicken and eggplant Tagine and I tried a new recipe for zucchini oat bread that was a keeper.

Monday, 11 April 2020: The kitchen

I got an email from Mimi for a recipe exchange.  Mary figured she didn't have twenty friends (I know i don't) and Dellene said she didn't have twenty friends who cooked anymore so we sort of did our own thing.  My contribution to the cause was this recipe for Irish Soda Bread.  

Wednesday, 8 April 2020: Brussels

Day ten of quarantine.  
Date-nut muffins with streusel topping were a great way to start the day.  

Yesterday Wisconsin held their primary.  My summation of it all -- Major SNAFU!   Voting was scheduled for months.  The reports indicated that only five out of 180 polling places in Milwaukee would be open.  There were two in Green Bay!  With more than 100,000 people -- two places to vote!!!  Most of the shut down was because polling workers weren’t going to show up.  Five!?!?  Two!!!  At the eleventh hour, the governor said voting would be postponed.  The federal Supreme Court said yes they would.  Was that a political decision?  

Like too many others, Jordan had to wait in line for several hours to vote.  He didn't apply for mail in since no one knew... he thought he'd be off work and all would be familiar.  Instead...  we saw a "cartoon" with a tombstone that read "I voted."  Dark humor and too real.  

Saturday, 4 April 2020: Brussels

We talked to Ken and Eileen a couple of days ago.  That was a pleasant walk down memory lane.  They are in Washington state and seem to be doing quite well.  

Justin continues to work in the yard.  It is still a bit too cold for me so I only get out there in small spurts.  

Quote of the week.  Ruth says to Marty in the most recent season of Ozark, “I don’t know shit about fuck.”   It is so succinct and has oh so many applications.  
But the saying does not apply to Plumber Justin.  We got our new kitchen faucet connected.  It wasn't quite right from last year so we just ordered a new one.  Justin got it connected with apparent ease.
And, it doesn't apply to Paula in the kitchen.  

We watch TV, read, catch up on the news, work on jigsaw puzzles.  We try to go for a walk each day -- weather permitting.

In Celestun:
 Attention port of Celestun.
The H. City Council in coordination with the government of the state gives you a careful notice and informs them that from today Thursday April 2th from 9:00 p.m. you must remain at your home,
We will have the surveillance of the National Guard in coordination with police of the state, person who is wandering the streets for no reason will be invited to pass to your home, avoid the penalty of drawing attention, all this is to prevent them before the contingency being lived, we hope to have your support.

The people still can't buy any alcohol Celestun and there is a 9pm curfew.    We wonder if we will be able to get back to Celestun for the winter ?????

But, Katherine found the motherload of TP at Costco in Merida.  No shortage there!  

Here at home, when days at a time can go by when we don't even leave the house, gas prices are so, so low.  We haven't seen these prices since high school.  Wow!!!