Sunday, December 25, 2016

Vicenza, Italy: 4 September 2016
Day 66

Justin was able to pick up our car at 9am.  After a cheery goodbye to Stipe, Doonya and the girls we were on the road by 9:40.  GPS Indicated that we had a bit over a 700 km drive ahead and that we'd be in Vicenza in time for happy hour.  First stop however was to get gasoline.  Justin was jonesing for a worst brochen but none was to be found so we stopped at a roadside rest stop and made yummy chicken sandwiches.

We pulled into Kim and Brian's in time for happy hour but before dinner we took time for a grand tour of their apartment.  The fourth floor penthouse apartment with four bedrooms and marble floors give Kim plenty of opportunity to show off her new Turkish carpets and the plentiful built in cabinets proudly display her collection of Italian and Turkish pottery.  Their view is spectacular overlooking gardens and slow running river and long views of Italian churches, towers and countryside.  They are right downtown very near the historic district on Vicenza.  Kim has realized her dream of being able to walk to dozens and dozens of Italian restaurants.  And, she had chosen one for our dinner this evening.  You simply can't argue about Italian food when you are in Italy!  After gelato and an evening stroll, we headed home to wind out a perfect day.

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