Sunday, December 25, 2016

Kaiserslautern, Germany: 6 September 2016
Day 68

After our night's stay at the Lady Maria Hotel, everybody was fed and watered and we were on the road about 9:30am.  We were on our way to Bolzano and Utzi man.  I had looked forward to this museum for a couple of years and I was not disappointed.  It was a thorough but quick visit and shortly after lunch we were on the road to Ktown. In the Alps, there were almost constant exclaims of "wow" and "look at that!"  It was interesting to compare the methods of cultivation of grapes between here and in Germany.

Our route today led us from Italy through a corner of Austria and into Germany.  At one point early on Justin said he said he had the bit in his mouth and was heading for the barn.  Unfortunately Germany had her own way to bid farewell.  We were stuck in a stau seemingly forever.  Construction everywhere confirms that the economy is doing well and that there is still a bit of time before winter sets in.  

On the B40 heading into Hoenecken Justin had just exclaimed that he'd seen a deer when both of us saw a wild boar!  We'd heard about them since we first arrived in Germany.  We've eaten them a time or two and they can be delicious but today we saw one along the side of the road rooting around looking for a snack.  Thankfully we didn't see one up close and personally either while out hiking or on the front bumper of our car.  

Originally our GPS indicated that we'd be back in Kaiserslautern by 6:15pm.  Of course, that didn't allow for pit stops.  We pulled in to Dave and Susan's a bit just before 8:00pm.  I am glad we didn't make dinner plans with anyone.

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