Sunday, December 25, 2016

Dugi Rat, Croatia: 3 September 2016
Day 65

Justin was awake at o-dark thirty making calls to the local road side assistance team.  Stipe came by at 9am and made the recommendation of a local repair shop.  Thankfully, we are finally getting somewhere.  With help, we got the car into the shop by about 11am and then we had a free day in Dugi Rat.  They said the car would be repaired by tomorrow which puts us back on schedule only having to forgo our time in Venice.  We had a chat with Stipe, Doonya, the girls and Stipe's parents before we headed to the beach for one last time.  Gemma got a bath this afternoon to wash away the beach. For our "second" last dinner we headed back to Poseidon for great fish, shrimp and Dalmatian vegetables (spinach and potatoes with garlic and olive oil).  We set an alarm for in the morning but I really doubt we will need it.   

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