Sunday, December 25, 2016

Lufthansa Flight: 8 September 2016
Day 70

Susan was up to send us on our way.  The shuttle arrived right on time at 5:30 am.  Thankfully, this was the only sunrise I've seen in the last seventy days.  So, we lived in Germany for just under two and a half years.  We certainly did pack a lot into that short amount of time.

Gemma's check in went smoothly.  I don't think the lady even looked at her passport and she didn't ask for the health certificate from the vet.  This was even so different from getting pets in and out of Japan.  Lufthansa had a desk for check in with your pet.  No tracking out to the cargo terminal like PetCo with United.  Gemma is still in with luggage but this was really smooth and less traumatic for all of us.  She gets to wait in the "lounge" while we head off to clear immigrations and security.

Justin bought an eye mask while we were in the airport but unfortunately that alone wasn't enough to make our Lufthansa flight tolerable.  This was, without a doubt, the most noisy flight I've ever been on...ever!  Cranky kids in every direction!  At least it was only a nine hour flight.  We wrap up a 70-day grand European trip as we head back to Wisconsin..  What a glorious way to end my time with DoDEA and to begin the next chapter.  I can't wait to see what is in store.

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