Sunday, December 25, 2016

Kaiserslautern, Germany: 7 September 2016
Day 69

A day to unpack, pack and repack.  We met Mimi at Sanders in Landstuhl for breakfast at 8:30am.  She is doing fine; it was great to hear about her travels!  Off to the vet to get Gemma's health check.  Since this must be completed within ten days of travel, there was no way to complete the task earlier.  And now we hear she needs to have four more teeth removed.  We Matt for lunch.  He suggested a new South American restaurant on the way to Ramstein...yummy empanadas.  He was spending the day clearing with his landlord and with the utility companies so the timing was great to be able to meet with him and not have work pulling at him too.  He and his family fly later this month as he will begin his new job as ISS in Quantico.  Perhaps we will see him next in Virginia.  Back to pack and sort through our stuff for a bit before we return our rental car.  With as few words as possible, the return goes without a hitch and within just a few minutes Susan was there as our taxi.  
For our last dinner in Kaiserslautern, we went with Dave and Susan to our favorite Thai restaurant in Einsedlerhof.   It was not surprising to me that German food didn't call to either Justin or me for our last day in Germany.  We headed to bed just before midnight with the hopes of uninterrupted sleep before an early alarm.

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