Sunday, December 25, 2016

Lufthansa Flight: 8 September 2016
Day 70

Susan was up to send us on our way.  The shuttle arrived right on time at 5:30 am.  Thankfully, this was the only sunrise I've seen in the last seventy days.  So, we lived in Germany for just under two and a half years.  We certainly did pack a lot into that short amount of time.

Gemma's check in went smoothly.  I don't think the lady even looked at her passport and she didn't ask for the health certificate from the vet.  This was even so different from getting pets in and out of Japan.  Lufthansa had a desk for check in with your pet.  No tracking out to the cargo terminal like PetCo with United.  Gemma is still in with luggage but this was really smooth and less traumatic for all of us.  She gets to wait in the "lounge" while we head off to clear immigrations and security.

Justin bought an eye mask while we were in the airport but unfortunately that alone wasn't enough to make our Lufthansa flight tolerable.  This was, without a doubt, the most noisy flight I've ever been on...ever!  Cranky kids in every direction!  At least it was only a nine hour flight.  We wrap up a 70-day grand European trip as we head back to Wisconsin..  What a glorious way to end my time with DoDEA and to begin the next chapter.  I can't wait to see what is in store.
Kaiserslautern, Germany: 7 September 2016
Day 69

A day to unpack, pack and repack.  We met Mimi at Sanders in Landstuhl for breakfast at 8:30am.  She is doing fine; it was great to hear about her travels!  Off to the vet to get Gemma's health check.  Since this must be completed within ten days of travel, there was no way to complete the task earlier.  And now we hear she needs to have four more teeth removed.  We Matt for lunch.  He suggested a new South American restaurant on the way to Ramstein...yummy empanadas.  He was spending the day clearing with his landlord and with the utility companies so the timing was great to be able to meet with him and not have work pulling at him too.  He and his family fly later this month as he will begin his new job as ISS in Quantico.  Perhaps we will see him next in Virginia.  Back to pack and sort through our stuff for a bit before we return our rental car.  With as few words as possible, the return goes without a hitch and within just a few minutes Susan was there as our taxi.  
For our last dinner in Kaiserslautern, we went with Dave and Susan to our favorite Thai restaurant in Einsedlerhof.   It was not surprising to me that German food didn't call to either Justin or me for our last day in Germany.  We headed to bed just before midnight with the hopes of uninterrupted sleep before an early alarm.

Kaiserslautern, Germany: 6 September 2016
Day 68

After our night's stay at the Lady Maria Hotel, everybody was fed and watered and we were on the road about 9:30am.  We were on our way to Bolzano and Utzi man.  I had looked forward to this museum for a couple of years and I was not disappointed.  It was a thorough but quick visit and shortly after lunch we were on the road to Ktown. In the Alps, there were almost constant exclaims of "wow" and "look at that!"  It was interesting to compare the methods of cultivation of grapes between here and in Germany.

Our route today led us from Italy through a corner of Austria and into Germany.  At one point early on Justin said he said he had the bit in his mouth and was heading for the barn.  Unfortunately Germany had her own way to bid farewell.  We were stuck in a stau seemingly forever.  Construction everywhere confirms that the economy is doing well and that there is still a bit of time before winter sets in.  

On the B40 heading into Hoenecken Justin had just exclaimed that he'd seen a deer when both of us saw a wild boar!  We'd heard about them since we first arrived in Germany.  We've eaten them a time or two and they can be delicious but today we saw one along the side of the road rooting around looking for a snack.  Thankfully we didn't see one up close and personally either while out hiking or on the front bumper of our car.  

Originally our GPS indicated that we'd be back in Kaiserslautern by 6:15pm.  Of course, that didn't allow for pit stops.  We pulled in to Dave and Susan's a bit just before 8:00pm.  I am glad we didn't make dinner plans with anyone.

Bolzano, Italy: 5 September 2016
Day 67

A perfect lazy morning taking time for yet another cup of coffee.  Justin and I continued catching up with Kim and Brian.  Although we'd seen Kim last fall when she visited us in Germany, we hadn't seen Brian since they came to our reception in July 2014.  Yes, we had lots of stories to exchange.  Since Brian has been retired for two years already, Kim is the only one of us who remains gainfully employed.  I recalled my first Labor Day when I joined DoDDS; I was on a bus with the football team and cheerleaders traveling from Yokosuka Japan to Misawa (twelve hours one-way on a good day).  Today was my first Labor Day in a long time not to labor.  

After a luncheon of pizza and pasta Justin and I got on the road for Bolzano.  I drove first
and we made great time.  Unfortunately, we hadn't programmed the GPS correctly and I was heading the totally wrong direction for about an hour.  After we backtracked, got gas and re-oriented, we got stuck in a traffic gam for too long.  Trying to make lemonade from our lemons, at least we were on the Italian weinstrasse and the views were beautiful. 

As we went farther and toward the passes near Mendola.  There were dozens and dozens of switchbacks and lots of motor cycles out for a great day of biking in the mountains.  We climbed to an altitude over 1380 meters within just a few minutes and the temperature dropped about 20 degrees in just a few minutes.  After a beautiful day, we spent the night in a quaint little hotel with awesome views of the mountains.
Vicenza, Italy: 4 September 2016
Day 66

Justin was able to pick up our car at 9am.  After a cheery goodbye to Stipe, Doonya and the girls we were on the road by 9:40.  GPS Indicated that we had a bit over a 700 km drive ahead and that we'd be in Vicenza in time for happy hour.  First stop however was to get gasoline.  Justin was jonesing for a worst brochen but none was to be found so we stopped at a roadside rest stop and made yummy chicken sandwiches.

We pulled into Kim and Brian's in time for happy hour but before dinner we took time for a grand tour of their apartment.  The fourth floor penthouse apartment with four bedrooms and marble floors give Kim plenty of opportunity to show off her new Turkish carpets and the plentiful built in cabinets proudly display her collection of Italian and Turkish pottery.  Their view is spectacular overlooking gardens and slow running river and long views of Italian churches, towers and countryside.  They are right downtown very near the historic district on Vicenza.  Kim has realized her dream of being able to walk to dozens and dozens of Italian restaurants.  And, she had chosen one for our dinner this evening.  You simply can't argue about Italian food when you are in Italy!  After gelato and an evening stroll, we headed home to wind out a perfect day.
Dugi Rat, Croatia: 3 September 2016
Day 65

Justin was awake at o-dark thirty making calls to the local road side assistance team.  Stipe came by at 9am and made the recommendation of a local repair shop.  Thankfully, we are finally getting somewhere.  With help, we got the car into the shop by about 11am and then we had a free day in Dugi Rat.  They said the car would be repaired by tomorrow which puts us back on schedule only having to forgo our time in Venice.  We had a chat with Stipe, Doonya, the girls and Stipe's parents before we headed to the beach for one last time.  Gemma got a bath this afternoon to wash away the beach. For our "second" last dinner we headed back to Poseidon for great fish, shrimp and Dalmatian vegetables (spinach and potatoes with garlic and olive oil).  We set an alarm for in the morning but I really doubt we will need it.   

Dugi Rat, Croatia: 2 September 2016
Day 64

We made reservations to rent our speed boat again today, but unfortunately when we got to the rent-a- boat location about 9am, they told us the boat had mechanical problems the day before.  We settled for a much smaller boat -- a 16' day boat with a small cabin and an 8hp outboard.  We had identified four communities toward the north on the island of Brac to visit.  There was absolutely no wind in the morning so it might have been just as well that we weren't on a sailboat.  Not long after 1pm we stopped for lunch.  Our arugula salad with marinated anchovies and shrimp was fabulous and the fried calamari were delish!   We splurged with a chocolate and walnut filled crepe for dessert.  After turning the boat in we hung out on the beach for a while.  I didn't want to leave the beach; I didn't want to leave Croatia.  

Well, looks like we don't have to leave just yet.  When we were leaving the parking lot Justin ran over a rock that got hung up on the undercarriage and jeopardized the fuel line.  We could smell gasoline immediately...yikes!  A couple of local guys tried to help us move the car, but we were not successful.  After making a dozen different phone calls and hitting the wall, we locked the doors and starting walking home.  

We had decided to go to the beach bar-restaurant side of Forum for our dinner on our last evening.  We stopped there even though we didn't have a clue about the car.  I texted Stipe to tell him we'd need his advice and that, more than likely, we'd need to stay an extra day or three.  

Back in our flat I made a dozen more calls to try to connect with Avis road side assistance and again, I hit the wall.  We were already halfway packed and now totally frustrated.  We went to bed trying not to worry about excessive roaming charges and praying that no one would throw a cigarette butt under the car.