Monday, November 15, 2021

Saturday, 2 October 2021: Green Bay and Brussels

We’ve had pretty good luck in workers that Jason Busche has recommended so we called Kenny, Amy’s uncle, the tile guy.  He came out this morning so we could get his take on the needed repairs for the upstairs shower.

While Justin met with Uncle Kenny, I headed to the local Woman’s Rights March.  Most are calling it an abortion March, but I chose to look at the bigger picture of womens' rights and human rights.  Yes, I participated in a March.  I am proud to say that I am pro-child, pro-family and pro-choice.  There were about 200 others who participated in Green Bay.  Justin said he’d support me if I wanted to go to Madison or even if I needed to go to Texas where all this is stemming.  The good folks in Texas have decided that Roe v. Wade doesn’t matter and they are making abortions after six weeks next to impossible.  Since most women don’t even know they are pregnant at six weeks, this is quite an issue.  I have pretty strong feelings about this so down to the park I went and on to the courthouse steps I marched.  The group was loud and adamant; there were no counter protestors.  “Keep your rosary off my ovaries,” “Not the church, not the state, Women must decide their fate!” and “My body, My choice” were among our chants.  This day was chosen as the Supreme Court will start hearing arguments on Tuesday when their sessions resume.  Funny how this is fundamentally a medical issue that has been morphed into a political issue.  Do you see me shaking my head?

After quite the rigmarole, I booked our flights last week.  We will leave on Friday, 15 October.  The concerns we faced were with Gemma.  The Dept of Transportation changed the rules a year or so ago that emotional support animals are no longer allowed to travel in the cabin.  Gemma is too tall to fit under the seat and she sure isn’t a therapy dog.  Add to it now that most American flag carriers are not even handling pets in cargo!  What a mess!  I finally settled with Aeromexico out of Chicago.  Ric will drive us to Chicago for a mid afternoon flight to Mexico City.  There we will change planes for a flight into Mérida arriving just before midnight.  Ok, here we go.

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