Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday, 4 October 2021: Green Bay

First stop...the dermatologist for both Justin and me.  While Mexico is good for the mind and the soul, the beach isn’t so good for the skin.  I had a couple of places frozen off and Justin had the spot on his nose treated again.  

Next stop, looking for tile for the upstairs bedroom.  We are getting that upstairs suite tricked out, the AC/heater guy comes on Thursday to see about installing one of the Japanese type units.  If we get the tile fixed in the shower, we should be all good to go up there.  

Over the weekend, we went to see Deb and Rick.  Justin helped them with shutting down for the winter.  I thought we were finished with blowing out the water lines, etc but Justin, good guy that he is, offered to help.  We need to go back since they forgot to pour in the antifreeze but then they should be set for the frozen days ahead.  The afternoon also gave us a nice opportunity to visit not only with Rick and Deb but also with Don and Amy.  I’m still pretty darned ecstatic that we sold and Justin is still pretty much not.  Being there for sunset didn’t help him.  

Justin made Blood Mary's for the game
against the Packers yesterday.  Great
way to get into the game!


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