Saturday, May 20, 2023

Tuesday, 14 February. Hacienda Santa Rosa

Carole is at our house and work continues on the garage but today was Valentine’s Day.  Justin and I set off to hacienda Santa Rosa.  We came here a few years ago for lunch on Valentine’s Day and this year, being the year of the hacienda, we decided to come back and spend the night.  After Sotuta de Peon for New Year’s and Yaxcopoil for Justin’s birthday, we’d saved the best for last,  this place is magnificent.  There were so few people, we could almost pretend it was just us.

We roamed the grounds…Justin was in his element.  He got a clipping or two and a handful of seeds he will ask Abraham to get growing. Does this count as market research?  Can we deduct this from our taxes as we check out others in the hotel industry?We went for a swim before we tucked into our room at sunset to avoid the bugs.What a treasure.  The hotel is owned by Marriot and is part of their Bonvoy Luxury collection… reached out to Kim since we’d stayed in a Bonvoy for her wedding. We surfaced later for a late dinner where we shared the dining room with only one other couple who’d finished their meal before our entrees were served. What a fabulous way to spend Valentine's day with the man I love...and my dog.

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