Saturday, May 20, 2023

Friday, 17 February 2023: Casa Colibri

Today I baked bacon in the oven.  I’ve lea
rned to bake roux, steel cut oats, risotto and now bacon.  All are incredible time saving methods for traditionally very labor intensive tasks.  

 Aholi came in the afternoon as she does each week.  I told her this week I needed to take her to Green Bay with me. We sort of continue no-cook Sunday and we’ve added no cooking dinner after Aholi. Carole joined us for dinner at Tia Candy, a new (to us) restaurant on the beach,  Justin and I enjoyed coconut shrimp.  Carole is the perfect guest.  She’s totally independent and fun.  She lost her phone yesterday and retrieved it this morning.  She was lucky.  And, she didn’t totally flip out (like I would have done). 

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