Saturday, February 13, 2021

Friday, 29 January 2021: in the house

USNews ranked Green Bay as safest place to live in US. Madison also made the top ten. Does that mean I want to be here?  No, I still want to be in Mexico.  We read this news right after we read that a big snow storm is headed for the southern part of the state.  We are tucked in safe and warm.

Johnson and Johnson has come out with their version of the vaccine but it has been showing only a 75% efficacy.  Pfizer and Maderna continue to show the most efficacy.  Justin has an appointment for 9 February. I am still nowhere on the list

Biden continues to sign executive orders but most noticeably is the slower pace of news and the sense of almost calm coming out of Washington.

I had a nice long talk with Mary this week.  I so value her friendship and I look forward to a day when we can visit again.  She's up to her gills in a lawsuit back from when she was in Yokosuka (almost twenty years ago).  It was startling how quickly thought so hostile work environment, sexual harassment and unfair labor practice came to mind.  I was relieved to learn that this particular concern has to do with an individual making fraudulent claims for housing allowances rather than being about Mary specifically.  

While we can watch snow mobiles going up and down the river from our kitchen window, I've been busy making babka!  A traditional Eastern European  yeast coffee cake.  Think sweet, buttery yeast bread with swirls of chocolate running throughout, pulling apart into delectable, irresistible layers.  Heaven!  The New York Times recipe had a squillion steps and they gave hints on how to break it up to two days but I did it all in one day.  OMG!!!  There is a cinnamon version I am eager to try next.  

We are continuing our way through Netflix.  Schitt's Creek is on the back burner but we are working our way through 30Rock and we are quite enjoying Last Tango in Halifax and Borgen.  Throw in a movie now and again and we are set.  

Not too long ago we watched a very old Julia Child...French Cook. The part that made this unique was that new chefs were commenting as Julia prepared bread.  They commented as she met with challenges, the dough hook on the kitchen aid mixer was reluctant... she made a mess with her measuring...flour was scattered everywhere...  they explained her procedures.  It was a great blend on old and new and such a touching tribute.

I also tripped across a Sewing with Nancy segment and I was reminded of that old friend.  I got all gung-ho about sewing again, quilting specifically.  I set up the sewing room but I haven’t gotten any farther.  Part of my delay is because there are so many other things I NEED to do and I think that once I start sewing I won’t get back to chores.  So for today I’ll stick with cooking and hangin' out looking at the river.  

Not too many boats will be getting in or out at Chaudoir's dock.  We drove up to Brussels for sunset and took a walk one afternoon.  Yes, we were all bundled up.  

Wednesday, 20 January 2021: in front of the tv---yes, again


Happy Inauguration Day!!!  I was content to watch much of the festivities on tv today.  If was quite different from a typical inauguration but that's what happens in the middle of a pandemic.  Now it is up to President Biden to bring together the 70 million who didn't vote for him.  

We went online to try to get Packers tix again... no luck.   Just like last week, I was on line, logged in and waiting in the queue long before the opening bell at 10:00am.  When I did get in though, there were already over 2,000 in front of me.  And then we learned that they'd all sold out within 12-15 minutes.  Oh well, the comfort of our own home will be welcomed especially since it is supposed to snow on Sunday.  

I finished and mailed Zeke's ornament.  It now can join one I made for Magnolia how many years ago/  This year I made one for Gemma too.  We can't have her feeling left out.    Yes, I know it is late, but thankfully Lorayne loves me.  As long as the ornament got to her before she took her treee down, it was still considered on time.  

Saturday, 16 January 2021: in front of the tv

Packers played the LA Rams today for the Division Title.  We enjoyed the win with cold boiled shrimp, artichoke dip, Cheetos, and Justin's famous Bloody Mary’s.

I'd gone online to try to get tickets.  As season ticket holders we were given a chance at about 6,000 tickets.  I went on line and joined the queue but no luck.  We'd decided to take the risk.  Tickets were sold in pods of 2, 4 or 6 for the 80,000 capacity stadium.  No luck though.  But the team had lady luck on their side and came out on top 32-18.  

I thought fondly of Aunt Judy when I was peeling the shrimp.  She taught me to put the shrimp shells in the freezer rather than in the trash can, then throw them away on trash day... no smell.  You just have to remember to throw them away.  So today, I could have easily thrown them in the trash can or I could have even just put them out on the back porch with not too much worry.   

The real test with African violets is keeping them alive long enough to bloom again.  Guess I passed the test!

Saturday , 9 January 2021: in the kitchen

I didn't realize how incomplete my life had been.  Although it is touted to be "southern", I had never heard of a Hot Brown Sandwich.  OMG!!!

This classic open-faced sandwich was created in the 20s at The Brown Hotel in Louisville.  OMG!!!

Thinly sliced turkey breast (real turkey, not lunch meat), a smooth and creamy Mornay sauce, crisp bacon, tomatoes, all on top a slice of toasted bread.  OMG!!!

What an indulgence.  OMG!!!

Wednesday, 6 January 2021: In front of the TV

The end of the world as we know it?  The day American democracy was fractured.  On a day when we should have been celebrating the Epiphany...on a day when we might have been celebrating democratic wins for the runoff elections in Georgia... on the day we should have had the confirmation of electoral votes signifying peaceful transition of power ...  instead, rioters stormed the Capital.  People died.  Why?  How?  President Trump lost the reelection and then egged on a coup.  This blood is on his hands.  Windows were broken. The Confederate Flag flew inside the Capital!!!

I heard a lady on the news, I don't remember who she was.  She was black and very well-spoken.  She led with the statement that she longed for the day when innocent black-men were treated like guilty white men.  One can't help but wonder what would have happened if those who stormed the capital had been black.  

And Ted stinking Cruz!?!?  Leading it all on.  

Instead, these "patriots" had been encouraged by a President who just a couple of months ago had forcibly used pepper spray to disband peaceful BLM protesters so he could stage a photo op in a church -- where he was not able to answer the question of "is that your bible?"

Yes, Colin Kaepernick is still one of my heroes.  He wasn't allowed to take a knee, but good, well-meaning white folks are allowed to break glass and smear feces on the walls of the capital?  Really?

And 70 million + voted for this man?  They are talking a second impeachment trial.  But there is also talk that Trump can't be impeached if he's no longer president.  That makes no sense to me.  If not impeachment, then civil court?  Criminal court?  People died for goodness sakes!

January the 20th. can't come soon enough.  There has to be a better day ahead.