Sunday, January 10, 2021

Wednesday, 23 December 2020: Hartung

40 degrees today -- this is unseasonably warm.  I am fine with it.  The river is open at least for the moment.  The temperature is set to plummet -- down to 24' tonight but sliding to 14’ tomorrow night.  A high of 24' is expected for Christmas Day.  It sure des look like winter along the shore line in Brussels.  Ice covers the stones and the bay will soon be solid.  

One month until inauguration.  And it cant happen soon enough for me.  Trump has been almost out of sight since the election.  Meanwhile there is more evidence of a tremendous breach of our computer and security systems.

Thankfully the passing of a second stimulus bill looks promising today as does the passing of a budget.  Meanwhile more and more cases of COVID 19, more hospitalizations and more death.  Yes, the vaccine is being distributed.  

Meanwhile, I am still baking and loving putzing in the kitchen.  I am going to make cinnamon rolls for the kids, Gloria for Christmas so I needed to practice.  Thankfully Justin is an eager guinea pig.  


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