Sunday, January 10, 2021

Monday, 14 December 2020: Hartung

We woke up to snow on Saturday morning.  The Weather channel said it was 31’ but felt like 18’.  BURR!

The first vaccines were given today.  Thankfully Jordan and Erich are near the front of the line.  Justin and I are so far down on the list but we will be ready when it is our turn.  

The Green Bay Packers took the NFC North Division.  Are playoff in their future?  Would we go to playoff games in Lambeau if we could?  Oh, hell yeah.  As it is, Lambeau is open to fans on an extremely limited basis.  One week they hosted about 500 family members and more recently they hosted maybe 2,000 first responders.  With seating capacity of almost 82,000, the stands are so, so empty.  The revenue lost is incredible.  Will we ever recover?  

I made a butternut squash quinoa chili. It was really a North African stew more than a chili but it was yummy.  In true Texas fashion, I made chocolate chip cookies to go with the chili.  The New York Times had published their most popular recipes from 2020 and I used that one rather than the tried and true Toll House.  However, their recipe did not have nuts.  It just isn't worth baking or eating a chocolate chip cookie without nuts.  I also made no-knead bread again.  I'm quite pleased with these results.  



I want politics to be boring again.

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