Sunday, January 10, 2021

Thursday, 17 December 2020: NorthEast Wisconsin

 We went to Oshkosh yesterday.  It was a big day for us. The venture out was a treat for us. I needed a new coat.  I'd kept a few from Japan and Germany but not a REAL coat.  And, if we are going to be here, I needed the real deal.  We found a new REI along the way so that was an added bonus.  

Gloria’s birthday was this week.  We are so lucky to have she and Lloyd next door.  She and Justin spar over Facebook on politics and that is a little testy from time to time; her Trump/Pence flag is still waving.  She knows everything about the neighborhood and everyone so I am quite pleased to have here next door.  

The river is frozen.  This morning's photo is of geese walking on water.

We got the Kia in the garage!!!  Yes, boats and treasures and trashcans arranged so the car would fit in there too.  This will be critical when winter does truly hit.  In the middle of the conversation Justin said he just wasn’t a "one garage kind of guy. "  I replied that I just wasn’t a Lorrie and Randy Grant type of person since I was happy to have a bag full of wrapping supplies...just for when you need it.  Our friends Lorrie and Randy Grant retired early and got it all down to a backpack and a carry-on.  That's it.  I need more stuff.  

I found a sewing machine table on Facebook Marketplace so we drove to New Franken.  I am going to set up my sewing space in the basement... or maybe upsatirs... I haven't decided yet.  

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