Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wednesday, 27 December 2017: Celestun

Paula met two girls on the beach this morning.   One of them, Milagros (Melly) was from Argentina and  (Emily) was from  Spain.  They had bought an old beat up (correction -- "vintage") VW micro bus in Cancun and were camping on our beach.  They went into town later in the day and unfortunately returned to find two guys rifling through their van.  One of the tires had been slashed.  They startled the guys away but they first took one of their bicycles.  Even more unfortunately, the guys took a computer, a guitar, some cash and the papers for the car.  (Justin and I know from our experiences last winter that the papers for the car are ubber important.). They fortunately still have their passports.  

They came to Paula seeking assistance.  Justin took them to the police station along with Paula and Abraham.  They all came back a couple of hours later with precious little success.  The girls (both are in their late twenties) are understandably distraught.  We are probably learning all too much about the local police, their effectiveness or lack there of, and just the way things work around here.  They've moved in to one of our bedrooms; Casa Maria is getting more and more full.

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