Monday, August 24, 2020

Tuesday, 14 July 2020: By the Bay

Big grooming day at our house.  Justin was with Gemma all day long.  For whatever reason, his clippers didn’t work so he did the entire job with scissors.  It’s a good thing Gemma is so patient and only 16 pounds.  

Nathaniel and Grace came today.  They’ve been lifesavers... or rather back savers.  Justin’s back can be problematic and mine isn’t much better.  Id rather have the kids here and save my energy for other activities.  

Jason was here all day too.  He’s trying to finish up the shutters on the front window.  They are giving us more grief than we bargained for unfortunately.  It sure will be nice in the fall though when we can just close and lock the shutters and then lock and leave the house.  

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