Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday, 12 July 2020: By the Bay

So the carpet I bought is too large.  Now, some individuals might have measured first, but, no, not me.  Aargh!  We'd fold them back or cut to fit in Japan but I'm not willing to do that now.   Return postage cost way too much to return to Overstock so I  posted the carpet on Craig’s List and on Facebook Market Place.  Within an hour I had three inquiries.  The first two seemed like scams and the third inquiry wanted me to drop the price. I can wait a day or two.  And, if it doesn't come through I'll put it at Hartung since I do like it.  

The blackberries and raspberries are growing in our backyard.  It is fun to go outside and have a quick snack... a burst of flavor that was a gift.  We have wild strawberries too.  They are tiny!  Sometimes I am tempted to see if I want to see about making more of this crop.  Other times I think I want to rely on Watsonville or Mexico.

Remember that old bundt pan you have in the back of the cabinet?  This is how to cut corn off the cob.  The bundt pan catches all the kernels as wel as any juice.  Ina Garten suggests that you place a kitchen towel under your bowl to catch all those pesky jumping kernels.  I never needed to cut corn off the cob before but I am trying to take advantage of the bumper crop.  As good as shrimp and grits can be, well, shrimp and corn can be even better.

We are also enjoying Justin’s famous Greek tomato salad.  Tomatoes, feta, basil, oil and vinegar..simple and delish!  We should be eating corn and tomatoes every day!

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