Monday, August 24, 2020

Thursday through Monday, 16 - 20 July 2020: Houston and Alvin


I drove to Milwaukee to catch a Southwest flight to Houston.  I was very uneasy about flying, traveling, being around so many other people but I felt I really needed to be in Houston to go to Uncle Harold’s funeral.  Is it strange that my mom also died in July.  2005...fifteen years ago; doesn’t seem that long at all.

 The Milwaukee airport was eeriest empty and quiet.  I did notice that people were kind, friendly.  Of course you could see smiles, but almost everyone displayed a cordial attitude.  It was weird.

I saw lots of folks I hadn’t seen in forever.  That part was good.  It looks as if my ties with Houston are officially cut now.  Uncle Harold and I had gotten closer over the years, certainly since my mom died.  This is just so strange.  There are only three of the cousins left now: Terry, Zackie and Darrel. 

The service was fine.  There were about fifty people  Uncle Harold was 82.  There had been more than 200 people at his 80th birthday party but with Covid, people are staying safe.   The picture that was t the fron ws one that I had taken when Uncle harald and Charlsey came to Green Bay to celebrate with Justin and me at our reception  July 4th in 2014.  That made me smile.   

I got to spend a good bit of time with Hal and Shannon.  Since they are my only two cousins, I guess that is important.  

Charlsey was ready for a bit of cake!

Shannon's youngest daughter Lindsay might not have been in agreement with whatever  Judy's sister Kathleen  was professing.

Hal with his other cousin Andrew and his Aunt Kathleen.

At Hal’s prompt, Will was happy to show off rodeo buckles.  Hal said he had won four buckles in his entire rodeo career.  I sure do wish school was this important to Hal and Will.  Hal is having a difficult time being a single parent and school was taking a back seat to rodeos even before covid.  

 Hal, Shannon and me trying to make the best of a terrible situation

Charlsy had three of her grandkids for the week and since no one can really go anywhere she had a huge water slide set up in the back yard.  The kids really seemed to enjoy it.  It certainly added to the surreal cars of the day to be in Houston for a funeral and having the kids outside playing on a water slide.  

The best part of it all of course, was getting to see Dellene.  She drove in to spend the time with me.  We were staying in the La Quinta in Alvin and we talked well into the night.  What a treat!!!

Back in Green Bay but I was at Hartung quarantining by myself.  Justin and I met for meals and we were the recommended six feet apart for too many days after my return.  Yes, I made sure at least I had Gemma with me.  

The gardens at Hartung look great.  Something is blooming is every direction.  My succulent garden is thriving and our squash looks great too.  Well, those that are not giant look great  Some are just too big...squash on steroids.  Our tomatoes don’t look so great yet, but maybe they will come along.  

Uncle Harold with Justin and me during our last visit October, 2019.

Sunday, 12 July 2020: By the Bay

So the carpet I bought is too large.  Now, some individuals might have measured first, but, no, not me.  Aargh!  We'd fold them back or cut to fit in Japan but I'm not willing to do that now.   Return postage cost way too much to return to Overstock so I  posted the carpet on Craig’s List and on Facebook Market Place.  Within an hour I had three inquiries.  The first two seemed like scams and the third inquiry wanted me to drop the price. I can wait a day or two.  And, if it doesn't come through I'll put it at Hartung since I do like it.  

The blackberries and raspberries are growing in our backyard.  It is fun to go outside and have a quick snack... a burst of flavor that was a gift.  We have wild strawberries too.  They are tiny!  Sometimes I am tempted to see if I want to see about making more of this crop.  Other times I think I want to rely on Watsonville or Mexico.

Remember that old bundt pan you have in the back of the cabinet?  This is how to cut corn off the cob.  The bundt pan catches all the kernels as wel as any juice.  Ina Garten suggests that you place a kitchen towel under your bowl to catch all those pesky jumping kernels.  I never needed to cut corn off the cob before but I am trying to take advantage of the bumper crop.  As good as shrimp and grits can be, well, shrimp and corn can be even better.

We are also enjoying Justin’s famous Greek tomato salad.  Tomatoes, feta, basil, oil and vinegar..simple and delish!  We should be eating corn and tomatoes every day!

Tuesday, 14 July 2020: By the Bay

Big grooming day at our house.  Justin was with Gemma all day long.  For whatever reason, his clippers didn’t work so he did the entire job with scissors.  It’s a good thing Gemma is so patient and only 16 pounds.  

Nathaniel and Grace came today.  They’ve been lifesavers... or rather back savers.  Justin’s back can be problematic and mine isn’t much better.  Id rather have the kids here and save my energy for other activities.  

Jason was here all day too.  He’s trying to finish up the shutters on the front window.  They are giving us more grief than we bargained for unfortunately.  It sure will be nice in the fall though when we can just close and lock the shutters and then lock and leave the house.