Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, 30 July 2018: Brussels

We’ve spent a lot of time lately reading and getting ready to jump into the stock market.  We've been reading all kinds of information and doing our research.  Both Justin and I feel that the bottom could drop out any day, but, ... here we go.

We poured concrete today... ten bags... goodness!

Lyneea came today. She is the co-owner of "Keep Door County Clean".  At first it was hard for me to think about spending $75 for her to clean this small house, BUT I got over it pretty quickly.  

Best cleaner ever! 
This is the stock we need to buy!
Ian rode his bike from New York.  His 26 day trip was over 1300 miles.  Holy moly Batman.  Justin was Ian’s third grade teacher and Ian and Erich have been best of friends since that time.  We met Ian and Adriana last year in Celestun.  They just happened to be in the same sleepy little fishing village.  We spent a great day with them and now we get to see Ian again.  Erich and Holly and the kids were here too; they were on their way to Minnesota.  After a bonfire where Jordan and Kris and their kids were able to join too, Ian and Erich set up two tents in the front yard.  Lily and Brody were happy to sleep out there with their dad while Holly and Finn opted for the front bedroom.

Lily and Brody face the new day

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