Thursday, August 23, 2018

Friday, 27 July 2018: Brussels

Jason came over today.  He had his two youngest kids with him
We’ve finally made a decision about our countertops.  We are going with granite.

He marked where he'll cut off the laminate soon as we will install on top of the existing countertops.  His will help with weight distribution.  We also made plans to change out the funky support rails and have the new one match the post at the end of the bar!

In the early afternoon, we followed Jason to his land where he is building his new shop.   They have the site for the house marked and while Amy wants him to get the house up this season, Jason thinks he'll only be able to finish the shop.
Justin was pretty excited to see the big equipment and took the guys name down as maybe he can help us with our breakwall -- our never ending saga.

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