Friday, July 20, 2018

Saturday, 14 July 2018: Brussels

During the week we got two boats out on the water.  We were able to go for a bit of a boat ride.  Justin had completed repairs and painting on both so we were set!  Also, during the week we both had colonoscopies.  I have a mammogram scheduled for next week and then we will be done with all that business. 

And, to top it all off, today we went to a class on how to install a toilet at Home Depot.  Yes, we really do know how to have fun.  Even though we will probably get a plumber to switch out the one toilet we have here in Brussels, when we do get around to that task in Celestun, we have nine potties there.  Yes, labor is cheap and Pauly is a very good plumber, however, he is Mexican and sometimes, even if he says he will be there on Tuesday, we may not know which Tuesday...

We met Rob and Laura at Windjammers for lunch.  They will be our first official guests in early November.  There will be six adults and one child -- wow!  Mimi is planning to come in early December.  Justin and I are talking about sheets, towels, etc.  Now, if we could just get a date to close.

Jordan and Justin got the boat back to Corcoran Marine.  They said the engine had only six hours on it since it was rebuilt.  While that was good news, they also said it would be two weeks before they could get to it -- grrr!  We wait.

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