Friday, July 20, 2018

Tuesday, 17 July 2018: Wisconsin

We left two boats in the water overnight and it was a mistake.  Justin finally had two skiffs ready to launch and we'd gone out for sunset twice.  We’d checked the weather and thought we’d be ok overnight.  He had both boats secure with anchor lines.  Unfortunately, the weather became violent enough to bang a hole in the bottom of the Shell Lake.  We got the MercerCraft out but not before Justin had to own up to Don, our next door neighbor.  He lost some face there. We filled the Shell Lake with stones, left it overnight and hoped to be able to get it up and going again soon.  So, all to early this morning, Justin and I were out in the water salvaging the sad little boat.  Thankfully Justin knows how to rig a block and tackle and we were able to get the simple machine to assist.  We were still fighting the tides, but we overcame.  Both boats out of the water and now it was time to go buy a sewing machine!

Both boats safely back on shore!

I want to make some new covers for the cushions on the Bayliner and perhaps for the Merlin too.  I'd looked at new machines and after I picked my jaw up, I turned to Craigslist.  I'd been scouring Craigslist GreenBay and broadened my search to include surrounding areas.  I hit the jackpot and found a Bernina in Silver Lake. about an hour south of Milwaukee.  And since we were headed there for Brody's 4th birthday party, the timing was perfect.  I knew Justin had been paying attention when I heard him referring to the Bernina as the "Rolls Royce of sewing machines" when he was talking to Erich.  After a pleasant drive, and the new treasure tucked safely in the trunk, it was time for a birthday party! 

The Trump balloon flew over London mocking our leader.  Next he meets with Putin.  I can only shake my head ... and pray he will keep his mouth shut.

Sunday, 15 July 2018: Brussels

This weekend, Brussels celebrated Belgian Days.  This area boasts of the largest Belgium community outside of Belgium.  The festivities last all weekend with specialty foods, a baseball tournament. bands, and, our favorite, a parade.  The vintage tractors, snow mobiles, and farm equipment are my favorites.  Although it has been much warmer than last summer, it has been drier too.  It was a perfect day for a convertible ride after the parade!

Saturday, 14 July 2018: Brussels

During the week we got two boats out on the water.  We were able to go for a bit of a boat ride.  Justin had completed repairs and painting on both so we were set!  Also, during the week we both had colonoscopies.  I have a mammogram scheduled for next week and then we will be done with all that business. 

And, to top it all off, today we went to a class on how to install a toilet at Home Depot.  Yes, we really do know how to have fun.  Even though we will probably get a plumber to switch out the one toilet we have here in Brussels, when we do get around to that task in Celestun, we have nine potties there.  Yes, labor is cheap and Pauly is a very good plumber, however, he is Mexican and sometimes, even if he says he will be there on Tuesday, we may not know which Tuesday...

We met Rob and Laura at Windjammers for lunch.  They will be our first official guests in early November.  There will be six adults and one child -- wow!  Mimi is planning to come in early December.  Justin and I are talking about sheets, towels, etc.  Now, if we could just get a date to close.

Jordan and Justin got the boat back to Corcoran Marine.  They said the engine had only six hours on it since it was rebuilt.  While that was good news, they also said it would be two weeks before they could get to it -- grrr!  We wait.

Saturday, 7 July 2018: Brussels

We started our day with breakfast at April's with Jordan and his family.  That is always a treat!

The waterfront communities all along Door County stagger their fireworks displays.  Tonight the fireworks were at Chaudoir's Dock.  We hung out of our boat, even though it doesn't work right now.  We certainly had a good view!  Gemma stayed at home.  We learned in Germany how she freaks out at fireworks.  Nothing has changed on that front.  Fireworks are sort of special to Justin and me and this display did not disappoint!

Friday, 6 July, 2018: Brussels

Captain Grandpa makes awesome
French toast!


Earlier in the week, Erich came to go surfing and to pick up the kids while both Justin and I had routine doctor's appointments.  Yes, we were tired and the house seemed rather quiet after everyone headed home. 

The 4th was nasty and rainy.  I always feel bad for those for whom that was their only day of holiday.  For us retired folks, there is always tomorrow, right? 

We got the windshield repaired; a rock nabbed us just after we crossed the border on our return in March and I finally got around to addressing the repair.  


Justin and Jordan finished painting and cleaning the boat; we finally launched the Bayliner.  This should not have been a family event.  We were all so excited though -- Justin and me, Jordan and Kris and all three kids.  Life jackets for everyone and off we go. We got about 200 yards out and the engine began making strange noises and smoking.  Not good.  Not good at all.  Jonas panicked.  He is rather timid anyway and this didn't do anything to help him get comfortable around the water.  He exclaimed that we should swim to shore... that we should call the Coast Guard.  Justin contemplated kedging us to shore but thankfully a good Samaritan came by who towed us to shore.


Saturday, 30 June, 2018: Brussels

 I retired two years today! My oh my -- what a ride!

We brought Lilly and Brody home with us; this was our first time to  have the kids alone.  We passed the test.   Jordan and Kris brought Jonas, Caleb and Willow over so all the cousins got to play.  The water was nice and warm thankfully!

Friday, 29 June 2018: Chicago

We celebrated our five year anniversary by taking a trip back to Chicago.  It was five years ago that Justin and I first met face-to-face. Although we’d been talking on the phone for three years this was the first time to actually meet in person.  We stayed at The Blackstone. Fabulous hotel. Perfect location. Perfect view. And Gemma was legal too.  Yes, we paid $75 for her, but it was worth it.  (I swear I am going to get her to be a therapy or service dog!)  I've stayed at a lot of nice hotels.  This was without a doubt the nicest ever!  And, they did get extra points when they delivered a bottle of champagne, chocolate and balloons when they knew we were celebrating. 

Corky Siegel performed magic
 with his harmonica
We went to Legends, Buddy Guy's Club.  This time last week I didn't even know who Buddy Guy was; now I do AND now I have seen him.  He usually only performs at his club in January but he was here now for a Little Walter Foundation benefit.  He didn't play guitar but he did sing.

We went to The Field Museum and spent our time in a great exhibit on Ancient Americas.  Both Justin and I were particularly interested in the Maya information.  With our time short, we ran through the mummies in Ancient Egypt saving the rest for another day. 

The garden by the Art Museum was closed -- drat!  I really wanted to go back there.  It was this garden where I wanted to get married.  That was until Justin reminded me what the weather would be like in December plus, he was concerned that some homeless person would choose to relieve himself in the middle of the ceremony.  Yes, the Capital in Austin was oh, so much better. 

We shared a deconstructed
Baked Alaska for one of our desserts
We'd done our homework and had reservations at Bistronomic -- touted by The Chicago Tribune as "Chicago's finest affordable French."  We'd made our reservations a couple of weeks out and we were not disappointed.   A long walk home along the Magnificent Mile and a stop at Buckingham fountain for the end of day light show rounded out a perfect day.

We had lunch in Greek town on our way out of town.  Justin and I both remember very fondly our first meal we shared over tziki, olives and spanakopita.  This was the perfect ending for our celebration. 
A week or so ago I tripped across a recipe for shrimp with tomatoes and feta. They said it was Greek. What's Greek about that?  Takes more than feta for a dish to be Greek, right?
Anyway, I was excited to see Shrimp Tourkalimonas on the menu at Greek Islands.  Now I know what to do!
Our next stop was in Milwaukee to see Erich and his family. We planned to take Lilly and Brody back to Brussels with us.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Trump will get a second chance for a Supreme Court appointment. I shutter to think of the steps backwards we will endure.